Connecting & Informing California's Credentialing Personnel
Maintaining an informational network with credentialing personnel in California Institutions of Higher Education, County Offices of Education, School Districts and Educational Agencies
43rd Annual Fall Conference Keynote Speaker Reyna Grande

Reyna Grande is the author of the bestselling memoir, The Distance Between Us, (Atria, 2012) where she writes about her life before and after she arrived in the United States from Mexico as an undocumented child immigrant. The much-anticipated sequel, A Dream Called Home (Atria), was released in 2018.
Reyna is a proud member of the Macondo Writer’s Workshop founded by Sandra Cisneros, where she has also served as faculty. She has also taught at Bread Loaf Writers Conference, VONA (Voices of Our Nation’s Arts), at the Under the Volcano Writer’s Conference, and Grubstreet’s The Muse and the Marketplace, among others.