Conference Presentations

Session Title



A Look at English Learner Education and Services in California

In this session, representatives from the California Department of Education will provide an overview of the full spectrum of English learner education and services for English learners in California. Representatives from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing will provide an overview of the English Learner Authorizations for teachers who educate and provide services to English learners in California schools.

A Look at English Learner Education and Services in California

In this session, representatives from the California Department of Education will provide an overview of the full spectrum of English learner education and services for English learners in California. Representatives from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing will provide an overview of the English Learner Authorizations for teachers who educate and provide services to English learners in California schools.

Accreditation Overview

This session will cover the basics of the accreditation cycle including the various components of annual data submission, annual accreditation fees, preconditions submission, program review, Common standards review, and site visits. This session is most helpful to those that are new to their institution or to the accreditation process.

Adminstrative Services Credentials - Common Issues and Situations

This session will focus primarily on special situations rather than discuss the various routes for the credential. These include: upgrading from a Certificate of Eligibility to the Preliminary and what happens if an educator forgets to do this, applying for the remainder of time on preliminary credentials, extension possibilities, acceptable experience, and program requirements

Assignment Monitoring Overview

This session will highlight assignment monitoring roles and responsibilities, the importance of assignment monitoring and resulting assignment data, and how to approach monitoring within CalSAAS.

Assignment Monitoring Workshop

This workshop will follow the main Assignment Monitoring Overview session and will include scenarios based on frequently asked questions to allow attendees to work together. Time will be allocated at the end for Q & A.

Assignment Monitoring Workshop

This workshop will follow the main Assignment Monitoring Overview session and will include scenarios based on frequently asked questions to allow attendees to work together. Time will be allocated at the end for Q & A.

Best Practices - District/Charter/COE

Session is intenedd for those that work in County, District and Charters to meet and discuss topics that are related to supporting teachers.

Best Practices - IHE

Session is intenedd for those that work in colleges and universities to meet and discuss topics that are related to supporting students in credentialing programs.

Career Technical Education

The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of CTE Credentialing CTE credentialing can be confusing for a lot of people. In this presentation we will cover why you need it, where you can get it, and how you qualify for it. Other topics covered are funding factors, CALPADS codes, middles school electives and Common myths about CTE credentials.

CCAC Business Meeting

Business meeting open to all CCAC Members

Charter School Authorizing and Oversight Best Practices – Credentialing Edition

While questions about charter schools may still abound, questions about teacher credentials at charter schools should not have to. This presentation will provide participants with a basic understanding of charter school authorization and oversight. It will review the legal requirements around teacher credentials at charter schools and answer any questions which remain. Presented by the Charter Authorizers Support Initiative (CASI) through a collaboration of the California Department of Education, Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE), California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP), and with the support of the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE).

Child Development Permits

This workshop will provide an overview of the requirements for Child Development Permits including the coursework, degrees and experience needed for the various permit levels. Specific coursework, general education, master teacher specializations, supervised field experience, administration and supervision, adult supervision, and school-age emphasis. The renewal and appeal process will be reviewed, as well as guidance for assisting with evaluations. Representatives from the Commission will be in this session and available for questions.

Credential Waivers 101

This workshop will begin with a basic overview of waivers, including waiver requirements, resources, and helpful tips regarding waiver submissions. The session will also discuss the more complicated nuances of waiver applications including initial application submission, requirements for subsequent waiver requests, and general guidance on the more complex waiver issues.

Degrees for Sale: The Diploma Mills Problem Continues IERF

The rise of the internet has also triggered the proliferation of diploma mills. Unfortunately, further confusion is added when many of these qualifications are from outside the US, as the recent Axact scandal reminds us. This session will cover their tricks and gimmicks and discuss ways of spotting diploma mills.

Determining Subject Matter Competence

This session will be led by a panel of individuals from various institutions to discuss subject matter requirements. The panel will share their processes and best practices.

Evaluating Transcripts for CTC Applications

Join me in this engaging and interactive conference session as we explore the topic of evaluating transcripts. Gain valuable insights into regional accreditation and its significance in assessing the validity and credibility of institutes of higher education. Navigate the coursework standards set by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to identify classes that meet the requirements for basic skills and emergency permits. Discover best practices for handling transcripts from outside the United States and ensuring academic equivalency. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your evaluation skills and contribute to a more informed and qualified teaching workforce.

Fingerprints 101 and the Educator Discipline Process

This session will be presented in two parts. The first part will cover fingerprint clearance information which includes when Live Scan is appropriate and when to use fingerprint cards, regulations that requires individuals to re-fingerprint, and when to resubmit prints or submit new prints. The second part will provide an overview of the procedures used in the Commission’s review of educator misconduct and informs educational employers about their duty to report and provide documents pertaining to educator misconduct to the Commission. A question and answer period will follow

Foundations of Certification 1

The first session in the Foundations of Certification series will provide participants with an overview of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) and other state educational agencies, including a focus on the many Commission resources available to beginning analysts. The session will continue with a general overview of the process of submitting an application to the Commission, including a look at how an application is processed by Commission staff, the English Learner Authorization, intern restrictions, emergency permits, and details on fee and fingerprint information.

Foundations of Certification 2

Session 2 in the Foundations of Certification series of workshops will provide an interactive overview of how and when to submit either a paper or online application. The session will also cover details on submitting an online recommendation, appropriate submission of application supporting materials such as transcripts and examination score reports, and will outline basic information that can be found on an educator's Commission-issued document.

Foundations of Program Sponsorship 1

This session is designed for credential analysts with three or fewer years of experience submitting credential recommendations as part of Commission-approved educator preparation programs. The session will have significant time for questions and answers. Topics that will be addressed include an overview of general responsibilities of program sponsors, initial access to CTC Online and updating information, CTC Online/CIG resources, granting equivalencies, Impacts of COVID on Induction, Accreditation Data System (ADS), and Accreditation.

Foundations of Program Sponsorship 2

This session is designed for credential analysts with four or more years of experience submitting credential recommendations as part of Commission-approved educator preparation programs. The session will have significant time for questions and answers. Examples of topics that will be addressed are transition to new standards, COVID-related exemption for TPA, subject matter requirements, granting equivalency, and the Accreditation Data System. Time will be allotted for questions on other topics that may be of interest to participants.

Harnessing the Power of DISC: Developing Self - Awareness and Improving Relationships in the Workspace

We all have unique personalities that shape how we think, feel, and behave. Understanding our personality type can help us make better decisions; communicate more effectivley; and achieve greater success in our personal and professional lives. In this presentation, I will introduce you to the DISC personality types, explain the four personality types, and provide practical tips for maximizing your relationships by connecting with others.

Hot Topics Q&A

The Hot Topics session will be a targeted discussion of specific interest to the filed. Basic Skills Requirement and Subject Matter Requirements, including common pitfalls, courses that CTC receives for Reading, Writing, and Math that don't work or that need a supplemental letter, will be discussed. Special Education changes, including recent updates, sunset dates, and bridge options for those who have a current credential and want to add the new authorization, will be covered. There will also be time for questions related to Certification.

Induction Programs

This session will be a question and answer forum on teacher induction program topics.


The power of emotional credentials in education: supporting teachers in transformational and culturally responsive practices.

Legislative Year in Review

An overview of legislative process and measures affecting teacher credentialing in California.

Listening to Understand

Listening is an important component of communication and is an everyday practice for most of us. Seldom are we explicitly taught how to listen or actively practice the skill of listening. There are specific ways of listening and some are more effective than others. Are you curious just how effective of a listener you are? Join others in exploring ineffective and effective listening practices, interacting with others through listening activities and setting a goal for improving how you listen.

Meet and Greet with Dr. Rios

Meet with Dr. Rios and if interested, purchase a book.

National Board Certification

This session focuses on teacher support and financial incentives for California teachers pursuing National Board Certification. The webinar will feature the California Department of Education’s implementation of the California National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Incentive Award available to California teachers working in high priority schools. The California Teachers Association’s Navigating National Board support program will also be highlighted.

On the Horizon & Conference Wrap-Up

This session will provide information on recent, current and upcoming work of the Commission. There will be time for questions and answers related to the work of the Commission's Professional Services and Certification divisions.

Performance Assessment Updates for Teachers and Administrators

Information will be provided about the CTC’s Assessment programs for the 2022-23 academic year. Assessment staff will provide specific information about the Commission’s adopted teaching performance assessments (TPAs) including assessments for general education candidates, education specialist candidates, and for the new PK-3 candidates. Staff will also provide information about the administrative performance assessment (CalAPA). In addition, staff will provide an update on the development of a Literacy Performance Assessment and the future formative performance assessment for ECE teacher permit student teachers.

Planning for Your Upcoming Site Visit: Blue and Green Cohorts

An interactive session to support credential analyst to understand the site visit process and how you can work with your institution in preparation for your site visit.

Results Analyzer - Pearson

In this session participants will learn about the edReports and the Results Analyzer system. We will provide a brief overview of edReports data portal, review various terms of use policies, demonstrate of key features and uses of ResultsAnalyzer™, and discuss various data report options for your program

Roadmap to Education Careers Initative

This will be an introduction to the Career Counselor team, the work they have already completed, and the ongoing assistance they will provide in assisting educators on starting or continuing their teaching careers in California.

Rookie Orientation

An introduction to CCAC as an ogranization and the benefits of getting involved

Science of Happiness at Work (closing keynote)

Happiness at Work: Jeremy will present tips to reduce stress and foster well-being on the job, with accompanying interactive exercises. The tips address the benefits of volunteering, forgiveness, lovingkindness, mindfulness, self-compassion, and gratitude.

Special Education Program Update

Information will be provided related to requirements for all Preliminary Education Specialist credentials, bridge authorizations, interns, and clinical practice guidance.

Teacher Intern Programs – An Overview of Eligibility and Program Requirements

An overview of intern programs, reviewing the eligibility to become an intern, what the fieldwork consists of, and the Support and Supervision requirements of programs. ECOs will be discussed, and when to withdraw intern credentials, and changing of restrictions.

Teacher Residency Grant Program

This session will include information for local education agencies (LEAs) who may be interested in applying for a Teacher Residency Grant and those already operating grant-funded residency pathways. Attendees will hear an overview of the residency model and the legislative intent behind the $675 million investment California has made in the various residency programs. Additional session topics will include: the roles credential analysts and other HR staff may play in data collection, technical assistance available to interested applicants and funded grantees, a summary of recent legislative updates, and time for questions from attendees.


Join CTE TEACH for an interactive session about the challenges, opportunities, and rewards around the recruitment, credentialing, and retention of CTE teachers. Share your strategies and learn from other credentialing professionals. In addition, CTE TEACH will share resources for teacher early orientation, professional development, and retention.

The Credential Analyst's Role in CALPADS Data Submission, Review, and Certification

This session will describe the activities that the credential analyst should be involved in during the course of the academic year leading up to the assignment monitoring cycle.

Updates on the PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential

This workshop will provide an overview of the PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential, including updates on where the credential is within the regulations process. Attendees will get an updated timeline, learn about available resources, and hear about spaces to engage in additional conversation related to the credential and the field of Early Childhood Education

Updates to Bilingual Authorization Program Standards

Information will be provided on the 2021 Bilingual Authorization program standards and performance expectations

UPK Overview / Transitional Kindergarten

This presentation will give an overview of California's Universal Prekindergarten (UPK). UPK is a mixed-delivery system encompassing many early education programs, such as Head Start, California State Preschool Program (CSPP), and Transitional Kindergarten. California is currently implementing Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK), which, by 2025-26, will be available to all four-year-old of children in California. As part of this, ensuring a strong and well-prepared workforce to support TK in UPK, as well as CSPP, Head Start, and other programs, will be essential. The state believes mixed delivery is critical to ensuring genuine access for California's youngest learners. The session will cover the UPK workforce, including staffing projections for TK and upcoming opportunities for educators in TK and beyond. The information in this session will support educators interested in working with California's youngest learners

Welcome to the Game. New Generations - Gn X; It's Not Your Grandparents Workforce Anymore

As the workforce continues to change and younger generations enter the workforce, it's essential to understand how to effectively work with the new generations and leverage their unique skills and perspectives. In this talk, I will share insights on the values, motivations, and communication styles of younger generations, including millennials and Gen Z, and provide practical tips on how to effectively work together. I will also discuss the benefits of creating a multigenerational workforce that values collaboration, inclusivity, and growth opportunities for all employees.