
CCAC is an organization composed of individual members. The fiscal year for CCAC is January 1 to December 31. The CCAC membership year is January 1 to December 31. Membership rights cannot be transferred from one member to another person, even if the original member has been replaced in a position or has otherwise left credentialing.

CCAC is a non-profit professional organization of credentialing personnel from colleges, universities, school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools in the State of California. The organization is dedicated to the dissemination of credential information and provides liaison services to agencies involved in the credentialing process for California school personnel. The website and a member listserv are maintained to distribute time sensitive and important information. To post questions to the listserv, send your email message to:

All persons who register for Fall Conference are considered members, in the appropriate status as defined by the CCAC Bylaws. Persons who are not attending conference may join the organization by paying the membership fee established by the Board of Directors (currently $75.00). The membership fee is not pro-rated, so all persons pay the same fee regardless of when they join during the year.

About Us

If you have questions about membership you may contact

Vice President – Membership, Maricela Ibarra:

You may also contact the advisory committee member for your constituency.